Calm Your Daily Stress - Stress Relief for the Busy Woman

E157 Stress-Less Living Through Movement with Cheryl Whitelaw

March 02, 2024 Denise Eckert

Cheryl Whitelaw is a Functional Movement Specialist and CEO of Peace and Power Movement Services Inc. She supports her clients to learn through their movement so they can function well in all the verbs that make life worth living. Her clients share a desire to live with vitality. She calls her approach, “Kind Power”; she supports her clients to cultivate their somatic intelligence so they can care for themselves in every movement, feel connected and secure in their environment and generate resilience and resourcefulness to step into challenges and aspirations with power and potency.

Cheryl is a certified Feldenkrais practitioner, Integral Master Coach ™ and Being in Movement practitioner ™. She trains Aikido and Nei Gong and is preparing for her black belt test in 2024. Our POISE class is taught by Brad Schultz, her Aikido teacher. Brad is a lifelong meditator and student of internal martial arts. He lives what he teaches. Cheryl is thrilled to make available to people who will never step on a martial arts mat the internal technologies that create greater resilience, wisdom and inner poise.       

In this episode:

  • Cheryl Whitelaw shares her journey from a sedentary lifestyle to becoming a movement specialist.
  • She explains how she discovered the importance of somatic intelligence and connecting with one's body.
  • Cheryl discusses her approach of "kind power" which emphasizes listening to the body and moving with less effort.
  • She offers practical tips for reducing stress through simple body awareness exercises, like dropping tension in the jaw and belly.
  • Cheryl talks about the impact of movement habits on long-term health and vitality, urging listeners to cultivate healthy movement practices.
  • She introduces her "movement wisdom quiz for midlifers" aimed at helping people assess their movement habits and make positive changes. You can take the quiz here:

Cheryl's words of wisdom encourage listeners to reconnect with the joy of movement and invest in their physical well-being.


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